Super Channel: SEO e Web Marketing
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SEO Specialist

I'm an enthusiastic SEO consultant, specializing in Search Engine Optimization and link building.

Since 2007 I have followed the organic visibility for many exciting projects, in several cases for very important italian website, such as Multiplayer.it, Movieplayer.it, Multiplayer.com, Bigodino.it, Leganerd.com, Everyeye.it, Melarossa.it and many others.


  • Search Engine Optimization;
  • Inbound Marketing;
  • Keyword research and analysis;
  • Link bulding;
  • Web Usability;
  • Conversion Rate Optimization;
  • Content Marketing;
  • Social Media Marketing;

Esperto SEO e Web Marketing

Mi chiamo Andrea Battaglia e sono un SEO Specialist e consulente Web Marketing di Terni che lavora per grandi editori di contenuti on-line e piccole start-up che fanno eCommerce e blogging …e mi assicuro che tutti diventino un pò più grandi su Internet.

Andrea Battaglia

I'm an enthusiastic SEO consultant, specializing in Search Engine Optimization and link building.

I love web marketing in all its form and I am convinced that only through the right mix of optimization for search engines, online reputation management, social media marketing, link building and high quality content it's possible to get an authoritative online brand, increase web traffic, generate more leads and increase profits from the Internet.

Consulente SEO

Mi chiamo Andrea Battaglia e sono un consulente SEO e Web Marketing di Terni che lavora per grandi editori di contenuti on-line e piccole start-up che fanno eCommerce e blogging.

Come consulente SEO possiedo una solida conoscenza di tutte le tecniche di ottimizzazione e posizionamento siti web, di link building, analisi e ricerca delle keyword, content marketing, social media marketingSEO auditanalisi web e ottimizzazione dei tassi di conversione (CRO). Ho una particolare sensibilità nel comprendere le specifiche esigenze del cliente e mantengo il focus sugli obiettivi della campagna di posizionamento SEO, cercando sempre di massimizzare i risultati, siano essi volti al brand awareness, all’incremento di traffico verso il sito internet, alla generazione di “lead”, al miglioramento delle vendite e dei tassi di conversioni.

Andrea Battaglia - Consulente SEO

Mi chiamo Andrea Battaglia e sono un consulente SEO e Web Marketing specializzato in ottimizzazione e posizionamento sui motori di ricerca, link building, content marketing, social media marketing, conversion rate optimization e web usability.

Consulenza SEO - Terni

Consulenza SEO e Web Marketing per le tue specifiche esigenze di crescita online, per incrementare le visite, i contatti e i profitti dal tuo sito internet.

Posizionamento siti web

Mi chiamo Andrea Battaglia e sono un consulente SEO e Web Marketing specializzato in ottimizzazione e posizionamento sui motori di ricerca, link building, content marketing, social media marketing, conversion rate optimization e web usability.

Ottimizzazione siti web - Andrea Battaglia

Consulente SEO, specializzato in ottimizzazione e posizionamento di siti web sui motori di ricerca, link building, content marketing, social media marketing, conversion rate optimization e web usability.

Ottimizzazione e posizionamento siti web sui motori di ricerca

Come consulente SEO aiuto le aziende a generare vendite e profitti dalla loro attività online, ad incrementare il traffico verso i siti web migliorando la loro visibilità nei motori di ricerca e a ricevere più contatti internet da potenziali clienti.

Andrea Battaglia - Consulente SEO e Web Marketing

Consulente SEO, specializzato in ottimizzazione e posizionamento di siti web sui motori di ricerca, link building, content marketing, social media marketing, conversion rate optimization e web usability. Aiuto le aziende a generare vendite e profitti dalla loro attività online, ad incrementare il traffico verso i siti web migliorando la loro visibilità nei motori di ricerca e a ricevere più contatti internet da potenziali clienti.

How much do you focus on lead capture? It's the most valuable way to maximize your marketing dollars. @realscottmcleod outlines how to find the right lead cap tool for your business #email #sms https://buff.ly/2zVaGeN pic.twitter.com/xrbuyA09o5

Giving feedback to your content writer? If you want to make it straightforward and effortless for you *and* actionable for your writer, check out this guide by @MarijanaKay https://buff.ly/3bJjS3f  #contentmarketingtipspic.twitter.com/UzhEy1IzRp

Ever wonder how to create a good #AmazonPPC Strategy? Check out this quick guide: How To Advertise On Amazon. https://buff.ly/36gpVvi  #marketing #PPCpic.twitter.com/tAEy2DbLcR

Are you looking for a more efficient way to publish your social media updates? You need a social media scheduling tool. 7 Powerful Social Media Scheduling Tools To Save You Hours Each Week https://buff.ly/2LMVS4E  #DigitalMarketing #MarketingToolspic.twitter.com/R3AwIcRrBU

Most #casestudies are done badly, and writing them is like having your teeth pulled out. Find out here how to write better case studies faster. https://buff.ly/3bMOnFp  By @wearearticulate and @mstibbe #marketing #copywritingpic.twitter.com/8MqU21RjJ2

Newsjacking is more prominent today than it has ever been with hashtags on social media categorizing all significant world events. https://buff.ly/3cQriD9  via @ShortStackLab #newsjacking #socialmediapic.twitter.com/9lWml6G4qg

Do you want to learn the most effective ways to drive traffic to your blog and get the desired visibility for it? Read this post to find out five brilliant ways of doing just that. By leading #digitalmarketing expert @Shane_Barker https://buff.ly/3bQ4Kkw  #bloggingtipspic.twitter.com/gFzfUYMHxM

How to Choose a PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Agency #ppc #adwords #digitalmarketing https://buff.ly/2ZorBBu 

Does your marketing team need some inspiration? See how 13 top companies (including @Drift, @evernote, & @growandconvert) are killing #contentmarketing. https://buff.ly/2Tr6A5l  via @sujanpatel #inboundmarketing #digitalmarketing HT @saasadventures

YouTube presents a huge marketing opportunity for businesses ... but only when done right. Avoid these eight common YouTube marketing mistakes. https://buff.ly/2AKS01S  Via @agorapulse & @veronica_jarski #digitalmarketing #youtube #marketingpic.twitter.com/pqTqPOmaOB

If you're looking for innovative examples of #contentmarketing, the B2C world has plenty. They're a little harder to come by in #B2B. Here are some killer examples of B2B content marketing to get your creative juices flowing (via @brockstechman). https://buff.ly/36jO83G pic.twitter.com/f6EUwAzZAp

The goal of propaganda and #fakenews is often to damage the reputation of a group, individual, or idea. Find out how to combat propaganda in this article... Do you agree with it's methods? https://buff.ly/2zVYTgs  via @reputationx #ORM #reputationmarketingpic.twitter.com/TJw9k66Gk7

In this article, @contentking explain how to create a robots.txt file for the best SEO performance! Check it out here: https://buff.ly/2ZoDvem  #seo #cmspic.twitter.com/a29bDaWinr

Want faster SEO results? Work smarter, not harder with these automation tools & tactics you can use to maximize the time & effort you put into SEO. https://buff.ly/36wjYdP  by @Raul_Harman via @startuppile #seotools #inboundmarketing #contentmarketingpic.twitter.com/blhVyz7vsL

Check out our Ultimate Small Business #SEO Guide by @uwedreiss via @invoiceberry https://buff.ly/3bUaFoT pic.twitter.com/D2Tlsjd9qi

Instead of being pushy and trying to force customers to buy, smart business owners and marketers use #contentmarketing as part of their strategy. https://buff.ly/2zezFdr  via @ademolaabimbola for @mauconline #marketingpic.twitter.com/5LAdFJmVTC

Want to hire freelance writers, but worried about endless edits and emails? This guide by @MarijanaKay shows you what makes an effective #content brief and exactly how you can fill it out for maximum results! https://buff.ly/2XlaZrA pic.twitter.com/NxZXeJXrvI

The definitive Whitehat guide to OnPage #SEO https://buff.ly/2A4Up7u 

Want to learn more about social proof that converts? Check out this @Sleeknotecom article! https://buff.ly/2ZqGXW1  #socialproof #conversionpic.twitter.com/glzsTplLlP

Shareable content increases #brandvisibility, boosts authority and opens doors. But how do you write it? Read this in-depth guide to get proven tips... via @qtnyathi https://buff.ly/3e8Iyns  #digitalmarketingtipspic.twitter.com/WFQCJJv4AX

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